What is Marijuana? Marijuana (also known as weed vape, herbs, pots, grass, buds, ganja, Mary Jane, and other slang) is a green-gray mixture of dried cannabis flowers. Some people smoke marijuana with a hand-rolled cigarette called a joint, pipes, bongs, or blunts (marijuana wrapped in cigar wrapping paper). Marijuana can also be used to make […]
Tag: marijuana
How Cannabis Makes Us Feel?
Cannabis is known to cause positive mood swings. It is commonly referred to as euphoria. The range of positive moods ranges from subtle comfort to complete joy and exhilaration. Where you reach this spectrum depends largely on your initial state of mind (mood before smoking), the product you use, and the composition of the endogenous […]
Marijuana related charges on the rise in Montreal, Canada
December 1st, 2017 Marijuana charges have been occurring increasingly in Montreal and elsewhere in Quebec, even though the rest of Canada has been seeing a steady decline in cannabis-related charges. For Canadians over the age of 12, 17,700 were charged with possession last year alone. This number is down from the 21,300 charged just two […]